Freeman Cruisers

Freeman Cruisers

Freeman Cruisers

Contacting Freeman Cruisers

Freeman Cruisers are based at Sheridan Marine on the River Thames in Moulsford, Oxfordshire. For help finding us view the map & directions.

The Freeman Chandlery

Don't Forget...

Our other websites, including:

A swan on the River Thames

Telephone & Fax:

+44 (0)1491 652085
+44 (0)1491 652990

The Freeman Owners Club Helpline is available after 4pm to Club Members.


Freeman Cruisers
Sheridan Boatyard
OX10 9HU


Map & Directions

General Hours of Opening:

Summer Months:
Open Everyday except Friday
9.30am - 5pm
Sunday - 10am - 4pm
(From the end March to the end October)

Winter Months:
Open Monday to Friday
9.30am - 5pm

Email Us:

Because all the Freeman Boats were hand made, each boat is slightly different. For this reason we prefer you to phone as it is easier to discuss your individual boat. A telephone call will more than likely get a quicker response than an email.

If you wish to email us please use the email form.

Member of the British Marine Federation
Company Details:

Part of the John Freeman (Sales) Ltd group of companies. Registered in England Number: 2092311. Registered office: John Freeman (Sales) Ltd, Sheridan Boatyard, Moulsford, Oxfordshire, OX10 9HU. V.A.T. No. GB 462 1376 58