The Freeman Range spans some 50 years, from the very first Freeman 22 to the last Freeman 41.
Here you can find out about the Freeman Range of Cruisers.
To help you browse the Freeman Range you can use the tools below. You can search the boats using any number of
keywords (Model (Please don't include 'Freeman'), Engine Make, Size, Construction etc.).
Freeman Cruisers are generally named after the length of the particular boat:
Freeman 22 = 22ft Long (Approximately 6.71m) Find Length
Freeman 27 = 27ft Long (Approximately 8.23m) Find Length
You can find the details on your model of boat by simply entering length of your cruiser in feet (22, 23, 24 etc).
I have heard about the Freeman Speedboat and a range of fishing boats; but they are not listed here, why not?
Please check the history section for further information on these boats.