J-Type Marine Gearbox
The J-Type Gearbox is fitted on a wide range of Freeman Cruisers, most commonly linked to the WaterMota Sea Wolf, Sea Tiger and Sea Panther engines. It is found almost without exception on the Freeman 22's and 23's. The J-Type Marine Gearbox also features on many other boats particularly Birchwood's and Camper & Nicholsons.
The J-Type Gearbox handbook is a useful guide for regular maintenance which is required on this gearbox. Aside from changing the oil occasionally the clutch plates and reverse band need to be tightened as they wear. A very simple job with the handbook and the Freeman Owners Help Line available to guide you.
OilIt is important to use engine oil as described in the J-Type Handbook, many people seem to use Gearbox oil such as EP90, this causes a lot of damage but keeps our workshop full!
Rebuilding & Servicing
A full rebuild and servicing service is available from the our dedicated J-Type Gearbox Workshop.
The J-Type Gearbox handbook is absolutely essential when stripping and re-building this gearbox. Whilst it is a simple gearbox to work on there are some critical fitting requirements. The handbook also breaks down the J-Type gearbox in pictures which aids parts identification. Below are the common parts required in standard service.
BK003 | | J-Type Gearbox Handbook | M170 | | Clutch Plate - Teeth | M160 | | Clutch Plate - Lugs | M130 | | Pinion Bush Bearing Short | M131 | | Pinion Needle Bearing Short | M110 | | Pinion Bearing Long | M410 | | Reverse Band - Exchange | N7010 | | Forward Bell Housing Seal | L601 | | Rear Seal - Reduction | L220 | | Rear Seal - Direct Drive | | | Gaskets | All essential parts can be ordered by phone or by calling in.