Frequently found carburettors on petrol driven Freeman Cruisers are:
- Solex: WaterMota 100E, Parsons 93a Engines
- Solex PSEI 30: WaterMota 105E (Pre-Crossflow)
- Zenith VN2: WaterMota 1500 (Pre-Crossflow)
- MotorCraft (Formoco): WaterMota 1100 (Crossflow), WaterMota 1600 (Crossflow)
Service Kits & Spares
Service kits and most service parts are available from the Freeman Shop, however there are various models within the above groups. Additional information on your carburettor is therefore sometimes required.
The old top gasket or a drawing of if sometimes helps to identify the correct carburettor. It is therefore very important that you double check any parts supplied are in fact the correct parts for your particular installation.
Full Carburettor Service
Generally speaking a full service returns a carburettor to you 'almost as good as new', bench tested and internally vented for the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) if required. Sometimes this is an easier option, but not always cheaper than a new carburettor. New carburettors rarely come with exactly the same connections, linkage, fuel feed, jets etc. and invariably need further attention.
New Carburettors
A range of new carburettors are available, some more readily than others. We are currently having manufactured a Freeman Carburettor which is a standard carburettor modified to the general Freeman specification and internally vented for the Boat Safety Scheme.
It must be highlighted that these are for what we consider the general specification and may still need attention on your particular installation.